Tyre Size Calculator

Calculate & compare tyres for your car!

Use our tyre size comparison calculator to:


•  Find your tyre size based on its sidewall code.

•  Discover alternate tyres based on your rim size.

•  Compare tyre specs (tyre diameter, sidewall width and height and tread width) side by side.

Original Tyre Size


New Tyre Size


Why do you need a tyre calculator?

Use Tyroola's tyre calculator to find substitute tyre sizes for your vehicle if you're looking for a change.

It will help you avoid speedometer errors since its accuracy is directly affected by tyre size. Upsizing or fitting taller / larger tyres will reflect a slower speedometer reading than your actual speed.

Rims, Mags & Wheels Online

Get the best wheels for your car in just a few clicks.

How to Use the Tyre Calculator

Look at your existing tyres and enter their size into the calculator. Do the same for another set you want to compare them with.

To find alternative tyres, simply click on each size to see what Tyroola has available.

You can use it for a wide variety of tyres including street, racetrack, trailer, spare, off-road and even extreme mud-terrain tyres.

Buy 4X4 Tyres online & fit locally

Browse 4x4, SUV, all-terrain & mud terrain tyres and get them delivered to your home or fitted locally near you.

Tyre Calculator Reminders

  • Tire diameter measurements vary for each pattern or brand.

  • When changing your tyre size, stay within 3% of your original tyre's diameter and height. Your brakes may fail if you go any higher.

  • Disclaimer: This page will calculate metrics for informational and general comparison purposes only. It is not a 100% guarantee of correct fitment.