Continental vs Pirelli:
A Tyre Brand Comparison

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Continental vs Pirelli Tyres

Pirelli and Continental are two iconic brands that share dominance over the global tyre market.

Pirelli is closely associated with autosport racing while Continental is one of the oldest yet most innovative manufacturers today.

Both produce a wide range of exceptional high-quality tyres that will satisfy drivers all over Australia.

So let's check out what they both have to offer in this installment of Tyroola's brand vs brand tyre comparisons.

Continental: The future in motion.

Continental is a 150-year-old tyre company from Germany. It is one of the most popular brands and is currently the world's 7th biggest tyre manufacturer.

Outstanding German engineering notwithstanding, Continental is a truly global brand that enables a wide customer base to enjoy premium quality tyres.

From passenger cars, SUVs, motorcycles, and bicycles, to trucks, buses, and tractors - you can be sure to find a Continental tyre that is perfect for your vehicle.

With numerous global manufacturing operations, this innovative brand distils over a century of experience and German-precision engineering to produce some of the best tyres in the world.

Each one features cutting-edge technology that enhances reliability, overall performance and durability.

The trade-off however is that Continental tyres are a bit more expensive compared to other tyres within the same class. But many attest to their value, that their higher prices are worth it.

How good are Continental Tyres?

Customer reviews at Tyroola for Continental are quite high, with many satisfied with the performance each tyre offers and how they don't compromise on driver safety and comfort.

Continental Tyres Product Range - starts at $76

Popular Continental Tyre Models

Our Top Continental Choices

Pirelli: If you're going to drive, drive Pirelli.

Pirelli is one of the most recognisable tyre brands the world over, thanks to its long, 150+ year association with motorsport racing.

It has even grown more popular since it became the sole tyre supplier for F1 teams in 2011. Today, the Italian brand is the 5th largest tyre manufacturer.

With its heavy involvement in motorsports, Pirelli is an expert in producing durable and reliable tyres that can withstand challenges on the road, the climate and even higher speeds.

What Pirelli's engineers take home from the track, they apply to their conventional road tyres, including the various all-terrain and all-season patterns they offer.

Many Pirelli tyres are also considered some of the world's best high-performance tyres, built to handle the highest speeds while keeping your ride safe and stable even in wet road conditions.

Of course, with its racing pedigree and technical know-how, Pirelli's price points are quite high versus many other well-established brands.

However, Pirelli reviews from Tyroola customers are quite high in general, potentially justifying their cost.

How good are Pirelli Tyres?

Pirelli is a favourite of Tyroola customers receiving many positive reviews.
Of course, with its racing pedigree and technical know-how, Pirelli's price points are quite high versus many other well-established brands.
However, Pirelli reviews from Tyroola customers are quite high in general, potentially justifying their cost.

Pirelli Tyres Product Range - starts at $135

Popular Pirelli Tyre Models

Our Top Pirelli Choices

What's The Better Option?

You definitely won't lose with either a Pirelli or a Continental tyre.

Both brands have a solid track record in producing reliable, high quality tyres.

However, the best way to choose is to consider what you really need in a tyre. Performance levels might vary between patterns so it's best to do research and ask the following questions:

  • What is the terrain where you drive? On road? Off road? Or a combination?

  • What is the climate like? Will you need summer, winter or all-season tyres?

  • What kind of car do you drive and how much weight will you be carrying?

  • Ensure the tyre you choose matches your specific driving style and that it is the right size for your car.

Choose Your Continental or Pirelli Tyres At Tyroola!

Visit our Continental and Pirelli tyre sections to read up on individual tyre features, check reviews and compare prices. Happy Driving!

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